Yosemite, together.


When your best friend’s sister is getting married... you plan a two-day trip to Yosemite getaway and call it an engagement shoot! It was Devon’s first time to Yosemite (which I think in an alternate life I’d love to be a Yosemite tour guide…), but introducing one of my favorite places in the world to people I care about is about as good as it gets! We toured around the valley, hopping out of the car at scenic spots to snag a few shots before going on our way. We climbed El Capitan (okay, okay.. only part of it), showed up at Glacier Point for sunrise, stayed at a surprisingly unsketchy 2 star hotel + ate the best pizza in the valley. It was a pretty magical two days.. love these people and can’t wait for their wedding! 2020 is going to be a good year.

Christy Johnston1 Comment