I spent a semester during college living in Yosemite - backpacking + building snow caves (and also "attempting" to cross country ski + pretending to enjoy the freezing cold). It was one of my most favorite seasons of life, and so when Vanessa and Mike asked to have their engagements done in Yosemite, I couldn't respond fast enough. A short month later we arrived to the valley, and man - nobody ever told me about Yosemite in the fall. 

If you've ever gone on a shoot with me, you've probably seen me geek out over scenery. I'm easily impressed when it comes to nature (ask my friend Megan), add some nostalgia and I'm a happy girl! Oh, and this couple brought their dog "Yeti" on the shoot as well. So... nature + nostalgia + dogs = I'm in my happy place. Enjoy, xoxo. 

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